Latest Episodes
Released every Tuesday!

[Trigger Warning] My story:
From gifted kid to numbed-out teen, into the Teenage Guide
In this episode, I share the story I've never shared in how I went from a perfectionistic, gifted child to a numbed-out teenager, and transformed into the Teenage Guide.

3 (rarely talked about) things about tweens and teens you must understand.
In this episode, I talked about 3 rarely things about tweens and about teens that you must know.

Your role in 90% of their challenges
In this episode, I am really excited to share with you your role in 90% of their challenges.This is a topic that I get asked about a lot. What should I do? How should I be? How to handle? And the first thing that you need to understand when it comes to any challenge in parenting is your role.

What to do when your t(w)een breaks down
In this episode, I am going to walk you through what to do when they're breaking down because this is one of the top questions I get asked by parents.

How to build essential executive function skills
In this episode, I share executive function basics, and why having them is essential to a better life with your (t)ween at home, school, and in the real world.

The 4 keys to your t(w)een feeling good about themselves
In this episode, I share specific area to bring your focus to when it comes to helping your tween or teen like and trust themselves when they're by themselves.

How to approach middle & high school with confidence
In this episode, I explain what you and your middle or high schooler must know to make the most of these years with as much joy and connection as possible.

3 skills that instantly boost your relationship with your t(w)een (& why practicing them matters so much)
Inside this episode I share 3 unintentional, yet common mistakes parents make that block closeness between you and your t(w)een, and what to do instead.

The superpower you need when you're trying to 'do it all' this school year
Inside the episode I share the one thing you can practice immediately that will drastically improve your life when you're trying to 'do it all' this school year and how this practice impacts your relationship with your t(w)een and how they see and support themselves.

How to Diagnose & Solve Any Parenting Challenge
Inside this episode I share why developing this skill is essential, the 3 different parts that will help you diagnose and solve the challenges, and the how to view any challenge in the simplest, most effective way possible.

How to get your t(w)een to do what they need to do without fear, fighting, or excuses
Inside this quick episode I share 3 keys you must practice when approaching and working with your t(w)een to build self-drive

Why & how to set boundaries with your teen
Listen in to learn why boundaries are essential to your healthy relationship, and how to start setting them in ways that work.

My Specialty
Curious what I like to cover most often inside this podcast and why?
The relationship you have with yourself (and to parenthood), coupled with the relationship you have with your adolescent is the #1 way you have influence in their life. You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be covering this topic a lot.
I'd argue everything is a skill: self-awareness, communication, accountability, time-management, and guessed it: all essential skills to thrive in life. Inside the TG podcast, I show you how to get clear and take action to guide your t(w)een to develop these skills and more.
The Intersection of Science + Soul
The 3-D world is really cool (hello, neuroscience!), and when you integrate it with the powerful world of 5-D (hello, intuition and spirit!), you've got yourself an unstoppable combo of science and soul to elevate your mind, build bridges of understanding between you, while guiding them to take action that's in alignment with their highest good.