TG20_The #1 Reason Why 2025 Will Be You and Your Teen's Best Year Yet
Speaker 4: Welcome back to the Teenage Guide Podcast. I am so grateful and excited that you're listening in on this New Year's Eve 2024. Inside this episode, it's a short but sweet one, and I'm going to be sharing the number one reason why 2025 will be you and your teens. Best year yet. Enjoy the episode. Hi, I'm Ashley Chandler.
And in this podcast, I guide you through the proven mindset tools, strategies and systems I've learned throughout my 18 plus years as an educator and a coach for parents, tweens, and teens, the latest soul to systems research, you must know, along with my personal experience as the mother of a tween and a teen to help you and your adolescent develop a bond and skills.
That lasts a lifetime. This is the teenage guide podcast.
I had a mom recently tell me that when she started listening to my podcast, she started kind of binge listening to it. And she felt strongly. I should work with her teen as soon as possible. I should be the one to work with her. And so a few days went by and she continued listening to the podcast over the next few days.
And then she came to the conclusion, I've got this with Ashley's support and coaching. I've got this and she went to her daughter and connected in a way that was exactly what they both needed. And she's reported that since then, there's been more hope, trust lightness inside of her teenage daughter and connection with her and more confidence.
Ever since, and when she shared this with me, I became very emotional, not in a, yay, me. Oh, my gosh. It's all about me. No, not at all. Not in an ego way, but I was emotional for both of them. And knowing that what I share here had that kind of ripple effect where mom felt empowered and equipped to show up and practice what I preach.
And some people might listen to this podcast, and they might let it lift them up or give them some nuggets to ponder over, but they won't do anything with it. They'll use it as a distraction from having the conversations that need to be had from taking action. That's actually going to create change inside their homes.
Relationships and their own selves, and to head into the new year, the same way they've been operating on autopilot too busy to live a life with their teenager by design to overwhelmed. To be intentional and focused on what actually matters. That 20 percent of work that's going to give you 80 percent of the results, right?
They're not going to do it. I know you're knee deep in the busyness of the holiday season. Holding and doing so much. So this is just a very quick interruption to share something that's going to support you coming up around the corner. How would it feel if you knew once the new year hit, you had extra support from me for free already lined up.
You could have a little more peace this holiday season because you had a plan in place to start the new year strong with the ultimate reset. If you're ready to kick off the New Year with your teen, with more confidence, them actually listening to you, opening up to you, not disagreeing with everything you say, doing what they need to do without you feeling like a nag, and so on, then you do not want to miss my New Year class, Confident and Connected, happening the first weekend of the New Year, January 4th and 5th at four different times to accommodate busy lives and busy schedules before school starts.
Parenting a teen in 2025 and enjoying it requires a very specific against the status quo toolkit. And this is where I come in inside this class. I'll be sharing three common mistakes. You're going to want to avoid in 2025 to ensure you're strengthening your relationship, AKA the number one way you have influence in their life, building confidence individually and together while building the essential skills they need.
To thrive at home at school and in life. I'll also be sharing my four part framework that's helped hundreds of parents and teens solve big challenges. Super simply together, it's simple, proven and designed to work inside your busy life. It is already worked for families around the world, and it's about to work for you.
So again, my free live new year, confident and connected class is happening the first weekend of the new year, 2025, January 4th and 5th at four different times. You can register now at the teenage guide. com forward slash class. That's the teenage guide. com forward slash class. Remember. I'm the mom of a teen and a soon to be tween too.
I know what it's like. You want things done for you. You want some relief. You want some help. This is exactly how I design everything that I do. It is guaranteed to give you insight into exactly how to make this new year 2025. The most confident and connected it can be. I can't wait to see you there. Now back to the episode, but not you.
This is the number 1 reason why 2025 will be you and your teens best year yet, because as you're listening to this right now, you're consciously choosing a new path. You're choosing a new set of guidelines to live within a new framework. You're choosing to heal yourself. From the inside out, because, you know, this has a direct effect on your adolescence, mental health, school success and social emotional wellness.
You're making a different decision to say no to things that don't serve you and yes, to things that stretch you in the direction of your highest good. You're prioritizing yourself in ways you never have before. You're choosing to see your teen in a light that allows them to be and to grow into exactly who they're meant to be, where they can reach their highest good.
You're choosing unshakable belief and faith over fear. You're modeling all of this to your teen, so when they're by themselves, they learn to like themselves, trust and believe in themselves. They learn to prioritize growth over perfection. They understand that one moment or experience does not define them, and they get to be the hero of their own story.
No one can make them feel or be. Any specific way they have a knowing how much they matter, not just to you, but in the world, because no one is them. No one has the gifts, the strengths and the uniqueness that they do. They know they have the power to heal and be a light in the world. And they're learning to see the gray area and have compassion.
For their triggers, and I'm not telling you, this is my opinion or to blow rose colored glass smoke in your direction. I'm sharing this because it's a fact if you genuinely listen to and absorb what I'm saying, and you make a decision to choose this path, your life will be better with your team and your team will feel better from the inside out.
You can look outside of yourself for solutions, or you can realize. That you already have everything you need, you are exactly where you need to be. You are ready to step into the most loving, compassionate, healed, resourced, confident, authentic part of yourself. You listening to this is a reflection of that wanting.
And willingness, so go make it happen. Make 2025 your best year yet. And I am right there with you. I know you have limited time and energy. So thank you for being here and kudos to you for investing in this time for yourself and for your team. If you enjoyed this episode, I encourage you to continue the ripple effect and like, subscribe, review, and, or share.
With a fellow parent who could also benefit. Remember the number one way that you have influence in your teenager's life is in your relationship with yourself and with them. So never doubt how much power you have because you are the Teenage Guide To.