to the parent who'se ready for confidence and connection with your t(w)een

Choose me as your Teenage Guide and you'll both have the foundation to THRIVE 



for good with THRIVE

There are 4 essential areas parents, tweens, and teens actually need to focus on if you want a strong relationship and skills that foster confidence, independence, and greater wellbeing.

Read on to see how you can remove the stress out of day-to-day life, and build an unbreakable bond and essentials skills with your t(w)een using the step-by-step framework inside THRIVE without wasting precious time, energy, or money.

With Results Like These:

“Practical, step-by-step parent coaching that works!”

"I found THRIVE as my kids were getting ready to enter middle school. I wanted to learn as much as possible about how to parent during the tween/teen ages, and I could already feel stress and resentment building. My teen years were terrible, and I wanted something very different for my own family. THRIVE is incredible! Ashley meets you exactly where you are, and she has practical, step-by-step coaching that works! The self-paced portion was so helpful and I continue to access it all the time! I love the toolkit, and the Teenage Guides are invaluable. I'm so glad I didn't waste time struggling! My kids and I are already closer because of THRIVE. Thank you, thank you, Ashley!" 

~ Britt Brome, mom of 2

“Our connection has never been stronger...”

"We have a 13 and a 15-year-old with very different personalities, and different ways of expressing themselves. Before, things would often blow up in arguments and snarky attitudes when we just wanted to help or ask them to do something. My husband and I were both often left frustrated and angry. 

After THRIVE, our perspective has completely changed, and we're much more confident in how to parent in ways that work. Proof: our connection with each of the kids has never been stronger. This is huge - we can't thank you enough!"

~ Jessica Xavier, mom of 2

“Genuinely helped me and my family…”

“Before we found Ashley we experienced daily challenges, and I felt super stressed and depleted. THRIVE has given us real, easily digestible information and support that's genuinely helped me and my family through these tween years. In just a few days we started experiencing big changes in managing stress and emotional regulation. Thank you, Ashley!" 

~ Dani Sloat, mom of 2

It's no wonder clients are raving about my simple 4-part approach inside THRIVE!

Parenting a t(w)een is the most challenging job on the planet.

Especially if you don't understand them, they don't listen to you or do what they need to do, and you're constantly worried for their safety and wellbeing.

If you've been stressed, angry, or worried lately, and you're ready for a strong connection built on trust, while knowing they're gonna be o.k. in school and in life then you already know...

You've got to learn to become their Teenage Guide, and guide them to build essential skills from the inside-out. They won't listen to you otherwise. This is where you have the most influence and control.

Think about it! When you were a teenager you likely thought your parent(s) were morons, they "wouldn't" or "couldn't" understand, and if they tried to tell you what to do they just pushed you away even more.

If they would've spoken your languagereally seen you, and guided you on the path to who you were becoming things might have been way better for both of you!

Becoming their Teenage Guide, and guiding your t(w)een to build essential soul-to-systems skills is required to thrive in today's world long-term....and it's not that complicated. 

So, if you're  ⇩

Expecting your t(w)een to listen to you, do what they need to do, and build confidence without doing these things

You're missing the biggest opportunity to connect with, guide, and motivate them in ways that truly work.

I mean, has it worked so far? If you're like most parents who come to me for support, I doubt it.

But, that's o.k.! Seizing this opportunity to connect is as simple as approaching them and working with them in a new way.

And, you will start building confidence and connection between you once you learn this simple 4-part framework!

A strong relationship with your t(w)een doesn't just boost connection, it's also the #1 way you: 

  • ✨prevent dangerous (often impulsive) decision-making
  • ✨have influence in how they see and take care of themselves when they're by themselves
  • ✨foster self-drive and essential skill-building
  • ✨influence their future friends, partners, and life choices

THRIVE is like having me in your back pocket as your 24/7 parent coach!

The #1 Mistake Struggling Parents Keep Making:

When well-intentioned parents aren't getting the experience they want; their t(w)een breaks down, is disrespectful, or isn't able to take care of their responsibilities at school, they overcompensate and look 'to the experts' or buy something 'out there' to fix the problem instead of learning how to diagnose and fix it themselves in the simplest, most effective, compassionate way possible.

And you already know that no one knows (or loves) your t(w)een or you the way you do. 

Or worse! Mistake #2...

When they don’t have the experience they want, they become a boss with their t(w)een most often "because I said so". If you're looking for your t(w)een to be truly motivated, confident, kind, and responsible, being a 'boss' vs. a 'guide' is like trying fill a leaky bucket with more water!

Simply saying the words you want your t(w)een to hear while convinced you're 'right' 

will never lead to your t(w)een actually listening to you and becoming more confident or motivated.

Every time you do that, you're wasting energy and increasing stress and friction between you. In other words, you're wasting a LOT of water and never solving the problem!

Throwing money at the PROBLEM doesn’t work! Other struggling parents recognize their relationship with their t(w)een is suffering, and they think they could use help to get organized at home and for school. So, they go out and find a pricey therapist for their t(w)een because they are the ones who "need help". 

But the reality is, throwing money at the problem around our relationships and skills doesn’t make it go away! 

In fact, until you FACE the relationship head-on and do the work for yourself, too, the challenge with your t(w)een won't go away and it might even morph into something worse long-term.

And after 18 years as an educator and a coach, I know this to be true: 

Parenting is more about you than it is about them!

Your t(w)een NEEDS you to show up in this way. You work so hard, and both DESERVE to feel good...wouldn't it feel so good knowing what you're doing WORKS?!

How else do you expect change to happen for your t(w)een if you're not changing, too?

But when you keep “outsourcing” this important skill to someone or something else, you and your t(w)een never learn the skills that truly bring you closer so you can experience more success at school and in life.

So, what happens when the therapist, coach, or parenting book doesn't work to help your t(w)een? 

What happens when your t(w)een wants nothing to do with you or your brilliant ideas?

Or when the organization system you buy doesn't catch on in your home?

What then? It’s back to square one... minus the $$$ and time you spent.

But when you LEARN and MASTER the skills of what's inside The Teenage Tree & THRIVE - you take these skills with you for the rest of your lives! 

So, at this point you might be wondering... 'But, how am I supposed to DO IT ALL?!'

I'll let you in on a little secret: Inside THRIVE you'll learn my approach and toolkit that works (quite literally)

one step at a time...

Like a recipe, THRIVE includes my proven step-by-step approach

One you'll internalize it, tweak it to make it your own, and use over and over again to get your t(w)een to build confidence, motivation, and connection between you...for the rest of your lives.

So, imagine...

you add access to this step-by-step toolkit at your fingertips? Well, you don't have to imagine any longer...


Detailed, proven, step-by-step training that guides you through the 4-part process of supporting yourself, approaching your t(w)een and working with them to skill-build and solve almost any challenge.

Templates, Visuals, Video, Audio, PDF Workbooks, & Skill-trackers that takes the pressure and overwhelm out of processing, co-collaboration, and skill-building!

No more going at it alone crossing your fingers it might work. THRIVE is infused with my 18+ years of experience + the leading research in psychology, education, behavior change, neuroscience, executive function skill-building, and more! 

The THRIVE "Village" Community guides, supports, and encourages every member. When you engage with the community you'll have a built-in network of like-minded parents all over the world offering network of validation and inspiration, and showing up with the same purpose.

Because no matter what your history is, you and your t(w)een deserve the BEST moving forward.



It's time to give your family the toolkit to THRIVE, just like it's done for these families...

“Before THRIVE I was anxious or angry a lot…”

“The teenage years freaked me out and I found myself catastrophizing scenarios with them a lot. Before THRIVE I was anxious and angry a lot, and now I have these tools everything is different. They're accessible and they WORK. I'm so grateful I found Ashley & THRIVE when I did! ”

~ S.C.

“It's easy to digest and it works!”

"Every parenting class I tried before left me with 1-2 take-aways, but I always struggled with putting it all together. Now I have everything in one place, it's easy to digest, and it works! Thank you Ashley!!"

~ Mary, KS

“It's such a game-changer...”

“My teen years were terrible, and as soon as my t(w)een started going through puberty I got nervous. Will history repeat itself? Thank goodness - NO! Having access to THRIVE has been a game-changer for our family!! 

~ M.B



Only $97 / mo

(cancel anytime)

With the THRIVE Monthly Membership, you have access to 1 new part of THRIVE each month, exclusive Q&A Off-Facebook Community (The THRIVE Village), and Ashley's weekly Mindset Monday LIVE Calls! 

I'm IN! >>

Only $597 today

(in 2 installments)

With THRIVE VIP, you have immediate access to all Parts of THRIVE, exclusive Q&A Off-Facebook Community (The THRIVE Village), Ashley's weekly Mindset Monday LIVE Calls

And, ALL Bonuses:

  • Monthly Group Coaching for 3 Months
  • 14-Days of Coaching for Your T(w)een
  • and, The Teenage Guide to Finish (or Start) the school year strong (my best mindset & study strategies + coaching for your t(w)een
LET'S GO! >>

Wanting 1:1?

When you work with me privately, you're able to customize (a minimum) of (6)private coaching sessions with anyone in your home. Prices vary, and spots are limited ✨


The 4-parts inside THRIVE

  • PART 1 focuses on you building a healthy relationship with yourself and exactly what's needed 

  • PART 2 details exactly what you need to know around understanding and relating to your t(w)een with the essential relationship toolkit 

  • PART 3 is your on-the-go comprehensive diagnostic toolkit so you and your t(w)een have my best tools anytime you need!

  • PART 4 includes ALL 10 of my Teenage Guides: my step-by-step mini coaching guides walking you through exactly how to approach and work with your t(w)een to solve the challenge long-term

Because you and your t(w)een DESERVE to feel good solo, together, at school, and in life! 

(and it doesn't need to be so complicated)


What's Inside


Part One

[The Soil]

How to cultivate the healthiest relationship to yourself in this unique stage of life (from the inside out). 

Module Highlights:

Inside this Part I walk you through the absolute essentails you must know related to:

Your WHY & Your ROLE in parenting your t(w)een

As well as exactly how to build the essential 3 Self Skills. 

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Regulation
  • Self-Compassion

When you know and internalize these, you have the ultimate foundation to thrive with your t(w)een.

Part Two

[The Roots]

Inside Part Two, you'll understand exactly how to build an unbreakable bond with your t(w)een into a relationship that lasts a lifetime.

Module Highlights:

There are 3 Key Sections:

  • Understanding your t(w)een (Brain, Body, and Identity Development Essentials)
  • The RELATE Method deep-dive training: the 6 Keys to an Unbreakable bond with your t(w)een and why it matters so much
  • Why they must separate from you, and how to be the guide in the process
Part Three

[The Branches]

Inside the branches you'll have on-the-go access to my essential soul-to-systems toolkit with over 100+ audio, video, workbook tools for you and your t(w)een to build skills and solve big challenges with your t(w)een.

Module Highlights:

I've created 2 Essential frameworks for skill-building: 

  • The RELATE Method:
    • You'll learn how to connect with (yourself) and them and build essential relationship skills that last a lifetime in any situation.
  • The SYSTEM Method:
    • From meditations, mindset work, to executive function skills like time-management and organization, and social-emotional + communication tools -  I've got you covered!
Part Four

[The Leaves]

Inside Part 4 I bring Part 1-3 Together and give you the step-by-step framework on how to support yourself, approach and connect with your t(w)een, and work with them to build skills and solve challenges in ways that build confidence and connection between you!

Part 4 Highlights:

Includes ALL 10 of my Teenage Guides (including step-by-step videos + workbooks) where I coach you through step-by-step how to solve: 

  • Low-Confidence
  • Low-Motivation
  • Disrespect
  • Defiance
  • Emotional Breakdowns
  • School Stress
  • Screen Stress
  • Social Stress
  • Lying
  • Hiding

Ready for results like these?

“It's priceless!”

"There's a lot of information out there to help parents with teens...but I've found it overwhelming. THRIVE is simple, straightforward, and I know exactly how to solve a challenge problem in less than an hour. It's priceless!"

~ Therese W., mom of 2

“THRIVE is exactly what I needed…”

Ashley, THRIVE is exactly what I needed. I've been lost and searching for some concrete tools to help me parent my (ADHD) son. Thanks to the program and how easy it is to use, I'm actively practicing many of the tools and having daily wins. Learning how to self-regulate and how to get him to listen without us ending in a big argument has truly been life-changing!

~ Lauren F., mom of 3 

“I highly recommend!”

"I use the tools on a regular basis with my t(w)eens & highly recommend TG to any parent or teen who wants to build a healthy and strong connection with their teen that lasts. Thank you, Ashley!"

Jessica, mom of 2

Want even more gifts and support? Check out the...



(Available starting October 14th!)

Total Value = $1997

BONUS 1 - Value $999

Exclusive Access to The Village online community

Imagine just how much better it will feel to know you've got your built-in Village of other parents going through similar challenges, with extra support from. Ashley and the Teenage Guide team?

Inside "The Village" Community you'll get:

  • Answers to your Questions M-F
  • Access to Ashley's LIVE Mindset Monday calls
  • Easy-to-use access to the off-Facebook Community + THRIVE + the latest resources and podcasts all in one space
BONUS 2 - VALUE $750

Monthly Group Coaching with Ashley

Each month, you'll get 1:1 and group support with Ashley's coaching in an intimate, safe, encouraging group setting.

Group Coaching Perks:

Go deeper inside THRIVE with group coaching, and get the validation and accountability that will sky-rocket your results.

Each month Ashley will offer Q&A Group Coaching, as well as a hot-topic workshop around challenges such as:

  • Screen stress
  • Body image support
  • Substance use
  • & more!

The Group Coaching space is a come-as-you-are community environment. If you don't want to be coached, you'll get support from witnessing others get support.

BONUS 3 - VALUE $199

14-Days of Recorded Coaching for Your T(w)een

You know all that learning and integrating you're doing with THRIVE, well now your t(w)een has access to similar material in a language they'll understand and receive! 

14 Days Audio Coaching Highlights:

  • Each day is a micro-coaching segment no longer than 5-10 minutes
  • Your t(w)een will learn about what you're going through, and new ways to relate to and support themselves from the inside out
  • Social-emotional and executive-function coaching guiding them through common challenges they face day-in and day-out
  • New ways of communicating with you to foster understanding and co-collaboration

The Teenage Guide to Finish (or Start) the School Year Strong

This contains my best, simplest mindset and study strategies EVERY t(w)een must know to feel prepared for everyday homework, exams, and finals.

TG Highlights:

  • Video coaching directly from me guiding them through the workbook step-by-step
  • Video exercises they can watch independently to get them practicing these mindset and study strategies while studying in real-time



Only $97 / mo

(cancel anytime)

With the THRIVE Monthly Membership, you have access to 1 new part of THRIVE each month, exclusive Q&A Off-Facebook Community (The THRIVE Village), and Ashley's weekly Mindset Monday LIVE Calls! 

I'm IN! >>

Only $597 today

(in 2 installments)

With THRIVE VIP, you have immediate access to all Parts of THRIVE, exclusive Q&A Off-Facebook Community (The THRIVE Village), Ashley's weekly Mindset Monday LIVE Calls

And, ALL Bonuses:

  • Monthly Group Coaching for 3 Months
  • 14-Days of Coaching for Your T(w)een
  • and, The Teenage Guide to Finish (or Start) the school year strong (my best mindset & study strategies + coaching for your t(w)een
LET'S GO! >>

Wanting 1:1?

When you work with me privately, you're able to customize (a minimum) of (6)private coaching sessions with anyone in your home. Prices vary, and spots are limited ✨


Common FAQ'S

Got additional questions? Email us: [email protected]